what a week

spent the entire easter weekend in eureka w/my family and friends! was a good and bad weekend. I got to go to the hospital to see my aunt and I got to spend time w/a lot of friends and family I don’t get to see very often. it was exhausting though! nothing like getting off my sleep schedule and then having to come back and work!


at easter this year we even got kim and aaron in on the pics! it was a blast! after 3 years it was time for then to get involved in the family pictures!


even my mom got in on the fun w/one of her nephews!

all in all it was a good weekend. made me kinda sad that I had to come all the way home so soon. seems like I never get to spend enough time back home to see everyone & I’m always trying to remember who I need to visit! guess I will have to try to get back there more often to visit family and friends. I even hit up the local bar and ran into some old friends!


nothing like going home to remember your roots!

well, have a good night all!

it’s been awhile


so, it’s been awhile since I’ve written anything, but its been a rough month. nothing anyone wants to hear about, but lets just say I’ve been feeling really blue here lately. thankfully things are starting to turn around. I had a really good dinner and conversation w/a good friend today and even though we didn’t talk about anything in particular, it was great to just sit and eat and talk to him. I had really missed talking to him and today really helped lift my spirits.

I cut my hair a couple of weeks ago. almost 8 inches! I really like it! it’s really easy to take care of and now that all the color is cut out and all the split ends are gone it looks so much healthier.




did I mention how easy it is to take care of? and how much I’m saving on shampoo and conditioner? lol. I’m absolutely loving it and think that tomorrow when I get off work I’m going to treat myself to a new hair dryer and curling iron and possibly a new outfit.

along with the new hair cut my friend aimee and I have decided to either join a gym or some kind of exercise class. it’s time I got out of my funk and started becoming a whole new me. new haircut, new lease on life and maybe at some point in my future a new awesome boyfriend. I’m not worried about the latter, but the first two are a definite must for me right now.

alright. well, time ot get off here and take a nap before work! I hope you all have a great weekend!