Back at the blogging..

Life has been a bit hectic and blogging definitely was forgotten, but now that I’m sitting in my soon to be old house trying to motivate myself to pack things I’m thinking I need to get back into blogging. I’m not sure the direction this blog will take now. I like to crochet, read, spend time with family and friends. I also work a lot so maybe a little venting about the daily struggles of being a bartender will be mentioned also. I’m always open to suggestions on what to talk about. Mostly though I think I’ll focus on books and crochet. Two of my favorite things.

I’m getting ready to move and we all know how stressful that is. I’m trying to go through all of my things and see if I can’t get rid of things and donate things to charity. I’m also trying to work on sorting through all of my yarn and get my Christmas presents taken care of. Thankfully everyone I know has a Swiffer or something similar and I found a crochet pattern for reusable Swiffer pads. (I know, i’m old and lame sometimes, but crochet helps to keep my hands busy and my mind from going into overdrive.) In fact Donatello here is my newest partner in crime and travels with me when I crochet in public.

Donatello a.k.a. my new partner in crime.


Don’t worry ladies, I have a man and he knows I’m a nerd and yes, he knows I crochet in public and sometimes even sits with me while I crochet.


the advantages of never sleeping…


So, if anyone ever reads let me know what things you like to talk about. Right now I’m reading a book called “Not Alone”. hopefully by the next time I write I’ll be able to write something about it.

Good night and happy hooking!



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