Moving is torture

I’m currently in bed, in my pajamas with 3 sweet snuggly dogs on what is my friday night hoping that my best friend won’t call me to go have a drink somewhere. I am however making progress on my Christmas presents. Thank goodness for Pinterest and simple, easy to follow patterns.

Not only am I moving in a few days, but I have zero motivation to finish packing. after working 8 hours today all I want to do is lay in bed, crochet, watch Stranger Things 2 and avoid adulting. I can do that for just one night, right? if only I could snap my fingers and all of my stuff could be packed, sorted, donated or trashed that would be great. Unfortunately, I have to be a big girl and do this by myself.

I’m not looking forward to apartment living with the dogs, but I guess it’s only 8 months and who knows, maybe Delbert will like it? Probably not, but at least this apartment complex has a pond to walk around and a little dog park area he can run around in. It also has a fitness center so I can save $22/month in gym fees which will be nice.

One of the bad things about moving this week is I had to pack up most of my yarn. I do have plenty to chose from still, but not being able to pick out whatever I want from my stash is painful to say the least. Moving to a smaller place will definitely make me have to be more careful about what yarn I buy since I won’t have as much room. I’m hoping to make some kind of makeshift shelf in my apartment so I won’t just have yarn lying all around the house.

sorry today’s blog isn’t super exciting, but it has been a stressful week and not a whole lot of crocheting has been done. This site won’t be so much to sell patterns or items, but to share and show off my WIPs and pictures of my dogs…just because 😉 Please feel free to join in, say hi or share some new fun WIPs. Happy hooking!


one of my partners in avoiding adulthood tonight. 😉


Cali cares not at all that I have lost all motivation to pack

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