a new path

a lot has been going on lately. i got a second job working part time at farm bureau, but i am also still bartending 3-4 nights a week to make ends meet. i know eventually the job at farm bureau could turn into something amazing if i decide it is something i want to pursue, so i will work the two jobs for now and see where this new path takes me.

i have decided though that i need to blog about what happens while i tend bar. there are nights i can’t believe the crazy things i have to deal with at work. every time i think i have seen it all, my customers surprise me with some new drama. everything from watching 60 years old try to pick a fight with people 20 years younger than them to getting the cops called on me because i kicked them out of the bar.

actually getting the cops called on me is a rather amusing story. i kicked a couple of kids out of the bar because the guy was being obnoxious and i wasn’t going to serve him anymore. there had been problems all night with him bothering people and falling over. in fact, i later realized that there was a fight going on between that kid and a forty year old woman that had started at a different bar a few days ago. (i love it when people think i care about their drama. all i want to do is serve the drinks, make the cash and kick them out.) for some reason they seemed to think that i didn’t have the right to kick them out even though i actually don’t need a reason to kick anyone out. after the kid tried to record me telling him why i wasn’t going to serve him, he then tried to take my picture and then i got angry. out they went thanks to some help from a couple of regulars. i went on to close the bar as usual and when i went out to check the patio for empty glasses i heard a car pull into the parking lot. i stood up on a chair to see who it was and lo and behold it was a cop car. well, i had a pretty good idea what had happened so i went to the front door to talk to the office. he proceeded to tell me that they had actually received two phone calls that night. the first one was around 1a.m saying that a 20 year old was being served in the bar. the second one was a little before closing time and they told dispatch that there was a marijuana deal going on in the bar. now, any cop that has worked that area of town for any amount of time knows that we are not the type of bar that has issues. not even the cop believed either phone call, but he did come out just to make sure everything was okay. in almost 9 years of working in bars and restaurants i have never had a customer call the cops on me. after i was done being angry it really was quite amusing. the young couple is never allowed in the bar again and as soon as i find out who made the phone call accusing me of serving someone underage, i will be kicking them out also.

i’m also learning that drama doesn’t have a cutoff age. these regulars are constantly amazing me with the ridiculous things that happen in their love lives and it always amazes me that they don’t seem to mind airing all their dirty laundry in public. i think i’m going to have a lot more to blog about these days….have a wonderful weekend!

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