No idea what i’m doing

So i’m trying to get my life together which seems to be a challenge no matter how old i am. Right now it’s how do i make some extra money without exhausting myself more than i already am on daily basis. UberEats has come to mind and i should probably be a little more aggressive with my Avon. ( -just in case you need an Avon lady!) Donating plasma has also crossed my mind and I can always pick up some extra hours at the VFW being a cocktail waitress. It has just made me wonder why it has to be so hard to get things on track financially. I love my job, but know i should be able to make more money. it comes down to the question: do i want a job i love or a job i hate, but i make great money? i don’t need a lot in life, but it would be nice not to have to juggle my checkbook every 2 weeks to figure out how to eat. sigh…maybe one day i won’t be such a sad case when it comes to money.

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