My life is in a sprial

I’ve been sick all week with a seriously nasty stomach bug and I’ve realized something super important. I hate my job. I don’t think it’s the job itself or the place, but the never ending routine. Nothing changes except who irritates me that day. The goal now I guess is to figure out what i want to do with my life. Blogging probably isn’t the career for me, but at the very least it helps me to write my feelings out.

I have been working on a scrap crochet project this week that I’m pretty excited about though. I had started working on it awhile back, but it seems every time i sat down to crochet someone wanted me to make something for them and then i started to lose my love of crocheting.

I also have acquired my boyfriend’s cat for 3 months. It has been a fun adjustment with the dogs, but little by little we are getting used to each other. He does have beautiful eyes and after a week of hiding from me i tend to wake up with a little machine purring next to me. At least while Logan is gone doing training i have a little piece of him here with me.


On that note, I’m off to my much smaller queen size bed now that I’m sharing it with two dogs and a cat….Night all!

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