another night behind the desk

i hope you all like some of the poetry and narratives i put on here earlier. i’m finally getting back to writing and it feels good to know i still can. well, at least i think i still can. hopefully there will be more to post later this week.  i’m still sad, i’m not going to lie, but these days its bearable. i know the pain will go away so i’m just waiting for when it does. i know that the last month and a half have made me a stronger person and i am grateful to m for that. he may not realize it, but he made me look hard at myself and decide what i want out of life. it’s not going to be an easy journey to figure myself out, but hey, i’ve got nothing but time these days. and i’m actually really enjoying my alone time. i’m writing, reading, catching up on my movie watching. all these are things i enjoy greatly but have had no time to do in god only knows how long.

well, time to do some actual work for the night! ta ta!