day 2

so far so good. i’m learning to let go. several people have been deleted from my life and while it is sad that i know i will no longer talk to them, i feel no ill will towards them. it just happens that sometimes you have to let go of people and relationships and realize that not everyone will always be a part of your life. the best you can do is take what you have learned from those people and apply it in a positive way to your life. my deleting process is deleting their emails, facebooks and phone numbers. this way i have no way of getting ahold of them and i highly doubt that those i erased will try and get a hold of me anyway. it is sad, but life goes on.

from netflix i am going to be getting yoga and meditation dvds. figured i would try them out and see if they do me any good. i’m going to have plenty of time since i’ve given up bars and going out on dates for the next 38 days. i only have 2 days a week i can go out anyway so i think my time is better spent taking care of my body and mind and not drinking myself stupid.

granted i’m having a hard time mailing back “the magical legend of the leprechauns“. a terrible hallmark movie, but one of my favorites none the less. i have found that i lean more towards terrible movies like this w/awful special effects. special effects have become too much a part of movies and now there is hardly a plot line or acting involved in movie making. as terrible as my favorite movies may be, i love them for their horrible simplicity.

alright. time to take chris to class, take a shower and get some sleep for the day. have a good one everyone!