just another day in paradise

not much to report right now actually. tonight is wednesday which means i’m babysitting. the kids are well occupied at the moment and being pretty quiet which means all hell will break loose here in the next 10 minutes or so. it’s been a pretty typical week. had wine night w/the girls last night and that was a blast up until they all decided to share their horror stories from giving birth to their children. pretty sure i’m never having children now thanks to that particular conversation! other than that i’m just working, sleeping, writing (or trying to) and enjoying life at the moment. my best friend was making fun of me earlier for enjoying my new boring life, but i don’t care. i love the fact that in the last week i have watched 6 seasons of that 70s show. i enjoy not having to be anywhere but work and not having to care what i look like when i go out. it’s very freeing and i’m not in a hurry to give this up anytime soon.