tid bits from my day

sigh…the snow is back. i’m so sad about that. i was really enjoying the 50-60 degree weather. that’s my kind of weather. hopefully it will come back soon and still around for a little bit. i’m ready for bonfires and fishing.

i finally got my taxes done on friday and i have already decided what to do w/them when i get them. i want a dog. i don’t know why. you would think cali would be enough, but i really do want a dog of my own. nothing huge and definitely nothing tiny. something right in the middle to be a good snuggler at night.  i think i might b crazy for wanting a dog, but oh well.

i didn’t go to my new book club today which is sad, but an emergency situation came up at the house and it needed to be hashed out and drank away. needless to say, while hashing out said situation, ku lost their game and i laughed. not b/c i wanted them to lose, but b/c they all were gigantic jerks when kstate lost and payback is a bitch.

a police officer just stopped by my work to thank me for a coffee i made him the other night when he stopped by to check on me. how sweet.

well, time to start some actual work! night all!