feeling better

i successfully spent my saturday off sleeping and watching movies. that is it. there is nothing more to say about my last day off. IT WAS AWESOME! i actually did get some work done on a blanket i’m working on and did a little reading. while i think my friends are starting to worry about me, they shouldn’t. i’m great. i’m absolutely loving having all this time to  myself. i know it won’t last forever, but i’m going to enjoy it while i can. as soon as i get done what i can on the blanket i’m working on i’m going to start back on my quilt squares. i actually have a couple of quilts i need to work on. maybe some time at momma bonnie’s house will be needed very soon.

there is sad news in my world of wonderful though. my ipod is broke and i don’t know how to fix it…sigh…i want to start taking walks in the mornings after i get off work since i don’t normally fall asleep till around noon or so anyway,but i fear they wont be as fun w/o my silly little songs to keep me going. i guess it’s time to look into buying a new one here soon. maybe that is what i will buy myself w/my tax refund. a fun new little ipod. maybe one i can download books onto. hmm……..

well, i need to get back to work. hope all is well!