another blissfully quiet night at work…ahhh…the sound of silence is like music to my ears. right now i’m not doing a whole lot. just waiting until i can start running my paperwork. i like to do everything at the same time every night. helps to keep me on a schedule and seems to make the night go smoother for me. when i get off work in the morning i’m driving chris to wichita. i’m not sure how long i will be there but i know i will be sleeping at my sister’s house while he takes care of his business downtown. it will be nice to take a little road trip even if it is a quick one. although i will miss laying in bed all day catching up on my shows and working on my blanket.

it’s funny to realize that i really don’t have to urge to go out right now. it’s been really nice enjoying my alone time. after 6 years of always working 2 jobs (or being on unemployment b/c they keep closing down) working here at the hotel and the hotel only has given me a lot of freedom that i haven’t had in a while. one of the girls i work with was just asking me if it was driving me nuts yet that i couldn’t go out at night. i told her i do have saturday and tuesday nights off, i can go out if i want but right now sitting at home is much more appealing. finding some peace w/myself has been long overdue.